MCH Foundation Annual Reports

About the Sian Bradwell Fund

The Sian Bradwell Fund was started in 1986, to help children with cancer and their families by purchasing medical equipment for diagnosis, treatment and research. While Oncology is the main recipient of funds raised, equipment may also be purchased for departments which support Oncology,  e.g.  Pathology, Neurosurgery.

EVENT NOTES for 2025:
* Sian Bradwell-West Island Lakers Basketball All-Star Weekend – March 22-23
SB Golf Classic: June 26th, Windmill Heights Golf Club
Smash & Conquer For Pediatric Cancer:  TBA, Winnipeg
Sian Bradwell Softball Tournament:  August 1st-4th (KMSPL Division starts July 30th)
Cedar Park Men’s Softball League Tournament: August 21st-24th

Nov. 3rd, 2024 – Kirkland Deputy Mayor Nancy Kokinasidis with members of the Board of Directors of the Becket Players, who presented a cheque for $3,500 to the Sian Bradwell Fund. L to R: Nancy Kokinasidis, Taillie-Ann Neill, Deenie Plotkin, Joey Savattiere, Johnny Iacovino

SB-WILBA Event Director Samantha Sinnott with Hall of Fame athletes  Otis Grant  and Anthony Calvillo

Nov. 3rd, 2023 – MCH Request for “smart pumps
The Montreal Children’s Hospital is in need of some 200 smart pumps (see description below), which cost $5,000 each.  The Sian Bradwell Fund has been asked to finance 40 pumps at a total cost of $200,000.

Dr. Vincent Michael Whitehead — Head of Oncology and Sian’s primary doctor, with Sharon Bradwell

Dr. Vincent Michael Whitehead -- Director of Oncology and Sian's primary doctor -- and Sharon Bradwell

Each year, the Hospital prepares a priority medical equipment list, from which the Advisory Board [“Board of Directors”] selects items to be purchased. In addition to funding such items as intravenous infusion pumps, pain control pumps, wheelchairs and equipment required for daily treatment and regular checkups, the Fund has purchased items such as:


40 Intravenous smart pumps $200,000

Diagnostic Microscrope For Pathology $ 55,000

2 Clinitek Status+ Analysers $ 30,000

Cavitron (Ultrasonic Aspirator) $135,000

Alphamaquet operating table $ 90,000

Microwave tissue processor $ 40,000

Intra-operative MRI: SBF contributed  $ 10,000
(MRI.pdf 1)
  (MRI.pdf 2)

Cell counter $115,000

3 Physiologic monitors $ 60,000

and many small ($5,000+) pieces of equipment.  A weighing scale can be critical to cancer treatment because chemotherapy doses are based on the weight of a child.  Medical equipment is enormously expensive because of the degree of precision required for effective treatment.

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