Let’s Get Quizzical!
How this event is conducted
The game can be played by an individual, individuals in the same household using their own devices, or with family members in the same household using a computer with 2 browser windows re-sized to fit side-by-side, or a smartphone and tablet. This will allow you to see the questions in the video conference window and answer in the quiz window.
Register to play at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/kb-lets-get-quizzical-2023-tickets-475758665977
- Once registered, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to let you know that you registered successfully. This confirmation e-mail will include the link to access the video conference session.
- Sign on to the video conference link 15 minutes before the start of the event.
- Once all participants have joined the video conference, the host will give out the link to the quiz platform.
- The quiz will start with a few practice questions which do not count towards your score, so all participants can see how the game will be conducted. And then the fun begins!
We hope you enjoy getting Quizzical! and thank you for supporting our hospitals.