Donations can often be made through your company’s employee charitable fund, in instances where a facility for donating through a payroll deduction has been established.

Deductions for donations will be shown on each pay slip and on the T5 (employee statement of income) receipt. Please contact the company’s Human Resources department for all questions related to donations.

united way

The Sian Bradwell Fund is NOT a member organisation of the United Way.  However, donations to the SBF can be made through United Way.

Some companies engage the United Way to collect donations and issue receipts on behalf of the company, however, and this includes donations to organisations — such as the Sian Bradwell Fund — which are not members of United Way.

If you select this method of making your donation, please refer to the “business numbers” listed below.


SBF (McMaster Children’s Hospital)
United Way business number: 13115-9543-RR0001


SBF (Montreal Children’s Hospital)
United Way business number: 11892-1543-RR0001


SBF (SickKids/Hospital For Sick Children)
United Way business number: 10749-2928-RR0001

Donations received are shown on your statement of income.

Please note that donations through an employee charitable fund administered by the United Way are received in quarterly increments paid out in the year following the donation.

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